Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Now is Good

A little different than my normal subject, but I wanted to share something with you. 

I just watched a movie on Netflix.  If you know me, you know I'm obsessed with British shows & movies.  So I was looking on Netflix for something to watch. I found the movie "Now is Good".  It has Dakota Fanning in it, and I'm normally not a fan of hers, but this movie was amazing.

I don't remember the lead actor's name, but he was exceptional as well.  Let me preface the movie and tell you that the movie is different. It's not exactly a normal movie. It's an independent movie, so it's kind of low budget. 

Anyway, it's about a young teenager who has leukemia and has limited days.  She falls in love with this guy, and it's just an amazing romance.  It's one that most girls dream of. Yea, I'm a hopeless romantic.  It's a tear jerker and I cried for like the whole last hour.  Just fair warning.

I apologize for not writing a whole lot tonight, I got so wrapped up in the movie, and now it's my bedtime.  I couldn't stop watching. That happens a lot though, I get into movies, especially like Ever After, or Pride and Prejudice.  I'll try not to wrap myself in a movie tomorrow night. ;-)

Phat Fat Chick

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