Monday, June 9, 2014

Only Green...say what??!

So today, was a nice day out.  I went swimming with my family. It was my nephew's 4th birthday, so we were having a party up on the deck when my brother was talking about this "eating only green vegetables" diet.  SO I looked it up.  I haven't heard of it, and I didn't know it actually existed. Apparently it's popular for athletes.  I've never supported a diet plan like this and I'm still not, I'm just telling you the things I've read. 

I don't believe it's healthy to eat a certain type of food for an extended period of time.  It can cause dramatic body changes if not correctly when you start eating another food.  And you need protein.  I don't drink protein shakes, and I don't take pills.  I'm very tired of hearing commercials for "Complete Nutrition" or for other pill programs.  They may work for some, but I don't believe in un-natural things like pills for weight loss.  My dad was able to eat salads for every meal, no protein, and it caused some issues that we noticed, like mood swings, and other issues. He had a protein deficiency and it caused him to be a very aggressive person at times.  We changed his diet, and he went back to his large jolly self.  I've tried to read as much about different diets that I could. I can't stick to a diet.  It's hard.  I like creating my own food plans based on information I have, and work from there. 

With the green vegetables, it's pretty self explanatory.  You eat a ton of green vegetables. It'd be a great thing, if I had a juicer. I don't. If you have one and want to gift me one, I'll send you my address.  I love Kale.  I have been to classes where they have used Kale as a salad base, and I truly enjoy it now. It stinks, and it's bitter, unless you know how to fix it.  I have a recipe for a salad dressing that is phenomenal on kale.  You have to massage kale to break down some of the enzymes in order to get some of the bitterness out of it.  I'll have to look for that recipe.  I have said I don't like lettuce very often. I don't.  I wish I could eat it more, but it's just not for me.  I do love some spinach though.  Yummy.  So for me, I don't think I could do the green vegetable diet.  I need some color. It also goes against some of the information that I've gotten from other classes I've attended. I've always been told about phytonutrients, and that we should be eating a rainbow of colors during our meals.  So this goes against some of my previous beliefs and understandings. It doesn't mean it's wrong, it just means it's different.

Since I wanted to know what vegetables were the best for you, I looked it up.  I couldn't get the chart to paste here, so you'll have to follow the link. Sorry about that.

It shows that most vegetables are great for your diet, except potatoes. My weakness.  I love all potatoes. It can be a sweet potato, red potato, blue potato or purple. I'm a sucker for them.  I love them hundreds of ways. I just can't get enough of them. 

While I was looking this up, I came across  They actually have a great website for tracking food, exercise, weight loss and other things that you may find beneficial. I would definitely suggest looking it up.  It seems to be very detailed and things you can simply do at home. 

Rather you're dieting with me, or just eating more vegetables, you're doing amazing. You may not see immeadiate results, but remember, any change you make in your lifestyle, is a step in the right direction.

Phat Fat Chick

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