Thursday, June 12, 2014


A few things before I start in on it...I wanted to say, I'm sorry for missing a few days.  When it rains here, the internet seems to be spotty and last night I couldn't get the page to load. So I apologize about that.  Two, unfortunately, my knee isn't doing any better. It seems to be getting slightly worse.  This morning, I woke up and could barely walk for the first little bit.  This evening, the pain has subsided for the most part.  So thanks for those who asked.  ALSO, those who have been asking me about a Facebook page, for the blog, not yet. I don't have the time to do it right now, and I'm not sure it would have a lot of likes at this point in the baby stage of the blog. 

WARNING:  This is a controversial post.  I am going to discuss trends that are not suited for people of my size.  I'm sorry if this offends you, but I have the same opinion with some on this issue. I believe it's unattractive for any size. If you're plus size and you wear these trends, more power to you, but you won't see me supporting or wearing them.

I recently read these on another blog, and it says they are myths about "fat girl" rules, and they're being broken. credit:

1. Fat girls can't wear crop tops.

 Well they can.  It's not that they can't, but why would you? Why would anyone at any size??   I know I'm going to sound like a square and like a old lady, but I think we should cover up some parts of our bodies.  Some things aren't meant to be shown.  Men need mystery.  Why should you show them something that should be intimate?? AND for me personally, I don't look good in cropped tops.  I have a stomach, I don't show it.  I think there are some things that should remain a mystery, and my stomach is one. I don't tuck my shirts in, because I don't want to see that infamous kangaroo pouch. I think it's hideous. And it has nothing to do with my personal view of myself, I just find that I don't like it, so I don't do it.  It's a choice.  I choose to be conservative and cover myself up. I'm not saying I walk around in a burqa, and cover my face, etc. I don't think anyone should. Just think about what you're showing before you do it.

2. & 3. Fat girls can't wear bright colors/ Fat girls can't wear bold patterns.

  This one is completely false. I think anyone can wear any color. Granted, some colors look better on some than others, but as far as color, I'll never be one to shy away. I love colors.  As for patterns, there are certain ones that aren't flattering, that I won't wear, but I definitely don't shy away from bold patterns. It depends on the pattern for each person.

4. Fat girls can't wear short shorts.

Again, they can.  I think this is based on a persons height and the length of the shorts.  There are girls who are size 2, wearing shorts so short, that they reveal a little too much.  I do not need to see your butt cheeks hanging out the back of your shorts. I don't care what size you wear.  I don't care if you're fat or skinny. My mom is short, so her shorts are a little longer, she's got short legs.  I've noticed Old Navy has some seriously short shorts that if I was someone's mother, I'd never let them wear.  I guess that's a different subject.  Again, it's about mystery and not showing off everything that God gave you to strangers.

5. & 6. Fat girls can't wear tanks/Fat girls can't wear skirts above the knee.

These two are also false.  I wear tanks all the time.  I live in them.  As far as the skirts, above the knee within reason is fine.

7. Fat girls shouldn't wear shirts that emphasize the belly.

True & False.  There is nothing wrong with wearing a tight shirt.  There is something wrong with wearing pants 3 sizes too small, and having a muffin top and then wearing a tight shirt.  I think girls are so worried about the size of their pants instead of wearing the correct size. They're scared of the going up one or two sizes to make sure they fit. 

I don't get why people feel they need to show everything like their chests, legs, butt, and other parts of their bodies.  Most of the time it's for the wrong reasons.  Are you really showing those things off for yourself??  Most women who wear clothing that is showing too much are trying to get the attention of a man/boy.  They're trying to find a man or some one to love them.  I'm not cutting them down. It's sometimes not something they understand. They don't understand why they feel the need to dress that way.  Sometimes they do and they enjoy it.  I just wish that more girls would figure out that dressing "slutty" to get a man, is going to get you a man that is not worth having.  Why would you want a man that is only interested in seeing what else is under your clothes, then truly being with you?  Of course, every man wants an attractive girl.  And every girl wants an attractive man.  But we need to figure out where the line is. 

Fat girls aren't the only ones that need to hide their bodies.  I know that most fat people are embarrassed to show skin in fear of what people think, but why not be embarrassed to show skin because of who it makes you become?   If you have to make yourself available by showing skin, then why make yourself available.  I know dating is hard for women, especially fat women.  I know some men are always looking for the next best thing, or the next hottest thing, but that's my point. If you met a man, who was interested in you for what you look like, like your size, clothes, etc., what makes you think when those things disappear he'll stick around??  People in general are selfish.  People are interested in being the best.  I understand that. I love being the best. I love competition.  I just never will succumb to trends to make myself feel better.  Losing weight for me is not a trend. I am changing myself because I want to be healthy. I want to be around for another 60 years.  I have dreams. I know if I continue on this path, that I won't be here. That's why I'm changing. Not for anyone else.  Not for a man.  Just for me. When I get to my goal weight, you won't see me in dresses that are too short, or shorts that are too short. You'll see me in the same things I've always worn.  I won't change who I am.

Phat Fat Chick

For those who were interested in the meetings....The library apparently isn't interested in helping us.  So we'll have to do it on our own. I'm working on figuring out the details. It will be at my house.  I'll keep you updated when I have the start date, but it should be in July.  Thanks.

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